Our Lord, come! (I Cor 16:22)
LATEST NEWS - 29 July 2024: On the 26th July mailed out several author paperback copies of Jesus Returns the Way He Left Based on His Ascension to authors, professors, and scholars. Anticipate launching the presale of my upcoming book about early to mid-October 2024. Scheduled publication date set for early November 2024 or possibly a few weeks earlier. Currently 150 6" x 9" pages, twelve chapters, and 16 figures.
Back of book text:
A prophesied storm of persecution in the end-times is swiftly approaching the righteous. Pretribulation proponents, particularly prevalent in the U.S., assert that the church will be spared from this persecution. But what if they are mistaken? Would you risk staking your life on such a firm belief, especially when Daniel 9:24 indicates that the entire seventieth week is necessary "to seal up vision and prophecy"? This suggests that absolute certainty in any rapture chronology is unwarranted, yet many churches incorporate it into their doctrine, stifling open discussion of alternative views within the context of Daniel's seventieth week. As Jesus said in John 16:33, "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
Acts 1:11 affirms that Jesus "will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven," departing from the Mount of Olives (verse 12). When considered alongside other supporting Scriptures, the day of Jesus's return from heaven to earth is placed at the midpoint of the seventieth week of Daniel, though not for a rapture event. Therefore, this is not a midtribulation view.
Join me on this journey of discovery as we examine end-times events in a fresh light!
Introduction Overview: This book's main focus (chapters 1 to 6) is on the exegesis of the beyond prewrath premillennial view, based on seven supporting themes.
First: Jesus Returns the Way He left - Based on Acts 1:9–12. Jesus did not ascend into heaven on a white horse, therefore will not return on one, as pretribulation proponents support with Revelation 19:11. Jesus second coming is a series of events, marked chronologically later with Jesus on a white horse for the Armageddon battle. Other themes, such as Jesus must return, from heaven to earth, at the midpoint of the seventieth week of Daniel.
Second: Gatherings and Days of the Lord - There are at least two pairs proposed, not the commonly accepted one. Jesus coming (Greek parousia) is both the day of his coming, from heaven to earth, and Jesus continued presence as the Greek word is defined. 2 Thessalonians 1 and 2 are applicable to the midpoint and the not prewrath elect rapture event. Nowhere will you find harpazo' for rapture or meeting Jesus in the sky in 2 Thessalonians. The elect rapture is deduced by prewrath proponents to be there. There must be deduced to be at least two pairs and not the commonly held one pair working from Acts 1:9-12 then Zechariah 14:1-5 and Matthew 24:15-31. One pair for the midpoint (Matt. 24:17, 27) and one for the elect rapture (Matt. 24:30–31; 36-44).
Third: Wicked destroyed with fire - No other view can explicitly support their Day of the Lord linked to Scripture. Beyond Prewrath has the Day of the Lord against the wicked in Revelation 8:7 ESV "hail and fire mixed with blood" as with Lot in Luke 17:26-30 ESV "fire and sulfur rained from heaven." The day of the Lord is after, though on the same day as the elect rapture in Revelation 8:5.
Fourth: Four unique theophanies - No other view accounts for these same theophanies (Rev. 4:5–10; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18). The first is before the throne of God. Later three theophanies are deduced to mean the presence of God. Each group with an earthquake (8:5; 11:19; 16:18) is proposed to represent an associated rapture. There is a fourth group who live on earth the entire time to when the millennium starts, though die shortly latter after a season and a time.
Fifth: Need to account for Israel's safety - When their 3.5 years (time, times, and half a time) of protection ends (Rev. 12:13–16) danger from the Antichrist is still present on earth during the seven poured bowls. It makes no sense for the Lord to protect Israel remnant for 3.5 years, then no longer during the seven poured bowls. Second, their decreed seventieth week is completed before the bowls start (Dan. 9:24–27). They are deduced to be raptured in the second theophany of Revelation 11:19 of the seventh blown trumpet.
Sixth: Works-based sheep must be deduced to be reigned over, that is the subjects, during the millennial kingdom. All of their six criteria are works-based (Matt. 25:35–36), and not faith-based. No other view accounts for the works-based sheep.
Seventh: Chronology. Revelation 6 to 8 is proposed as not chronological. Nine reasons are provided.
Chapter titles:
1: Jesus's Return to the Mt. of Olives
2. Seven Unique Days of the Lord
3. Pretribulation Problems
4. Harpazo' and Prewrath
5. Prewrath Problems - Part 1
6. Prewrath Problems - Part 2
7. Ezekiel 38–39 Depict Different Battles
8. Israelites: Exile, Exodus, and Return
9. Seals and Trumpets Do Not Overlap
10. Antichrist and the Restrainer
11. Endurance and Faith in Jesus
12. Definitions
Subject Index
Scripture Index
6 March 2024: I attended the Orlando Prophecy Summit about a week ago. Scanning two different documents, one a book and the other a free pamphlet, I was surprised to see the pretrib view (maybe other views) now call the seventieth week of Daniel "The Great Tribulation." I am not sure how prevalent this is. Where did this come from? Previously many called the seventieth week "The Tribulation." As a side note, nowhere in the Scofield Study Bible, a pretrib view, will you find it identified as such in the commentary. I asked those behind the book sales tables where it came from, and they did not know. Are Seminaries teaching this new view with their pretribulation dominated view? I know I am in a small minority with the beyond prewrath view, though I am amazed at how incorrect this is. The use of The Tribulation has been prevalent with most of the premillennial views for several decades, which I disagree with. Marvin Rosenthal, with the prewrath view, has a YouTube supporting my perspective. The pretrib view to now use The Great Tribulation to represent the entire seventieth week of Daniel is even more unconnected from Scripture. Does anyone any more compare the chronological parallels of the seven opened seals of Revelation 6 and 8:1-5 with the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24-25? I challenge my audience to do this. It is rare for me to find teachers to cover the scripture parallels. The great tribulation is only in the fifth opened seal (Matt. 24:15-26; Rev. 6:9-11). Does not the sixth opened seal, Revelation 6:12 and Matthew 24:29, say the tribulation ends with the earthquake and the twenty-four-hour darkness? Of course it does! Since all views have the sixth opened seal within the seventieth week of Daniel, then even if it is one day in duration, it is not possible to call the entire week a tribulation or great tribulation. Think about it.
If you have a pretrib view, I ask you to consider your view that the spirit of the Apostle John arriving in heaven in Revelation 4:1 represents your rapture. If so, then consider where is the highly expected multitude rejoicing in heaven in that chapter? It is not there because there is no rapture there. The later multitude rejoicing in Revelation 7 is what the prewrath and beyond prewrath use to support the consequence of their earthly rapture after the fifth opened seal of the great tribulation. There are several other reasons in my books, though these are the simplest to understand.
Beyond Prewrath End-Time Prophecy was updated in May 2022 in text further below (yellow book cover). First published May 2021.
Jesus's Return based on the feasts of the Lord was published 2022. It is a date setting theory of Jesus' second return. Book has 26 figures, 12 chapters. Several figures are reused from the first book. There are 112 pages of 6" by 9". A thin book, though written more like a textbook. This book builds on Robert Parker's Beyond Prewrath End-Time Prophecy book.
This book presents a theory that the past spring feasts of the Lord could predict the future end times prophecy events using the fall feasts of the Lord. This basic prophetic understanding was written about in 1980 by Robert van Kampen The Sign of Christ’s Coming and the End of the Age. Since then, other author scholars have come to the same understanding: Marvin Rosenthal The Feasts of the LORD, Michael Norten Unlocking the Secrets of the Feasts, Bruce R. Booker The Feasts of the LORD, and Sam Nadler Messiah in The Feasts of Israel.
Its logical conclusion is a series of dates reflecting the fall feasts of the Lord. These dates are based on scripturally significant events in Israel: 14 May 1948 and June 1967. The following events will be proposed among many others.
New as of 8 May 2023: The following are minor changes:
- Page ii: US copyright was first in 2021 vs 2022. Book was published in 2022.
- Page 21, first paragraph, end of the eighth line: Change "...actual date many..." to "...actual date may...".
- Page 22, figure 5: For the sixth and seventh seals change "No wrath..." to "No tribulation..." Same figure is correctly shown in figures 1 and 23.
- Page 84, sixteenth line from bottom of page: Delete "each year". We will only need to hide once each year in our chambers (after the great tribulation starts at the midpoint) for 52 days (46+(7-1)) verses three times a year until the elect rapture. This error should be evident when viewing figure 25 (to hide only once a year) and balance of the book.
- Page 86, eighth line from bottom of page. Change "40 days" to "40-46 days". Using the longer duration of 46 days to hide provides greater assurance of safety. In print 1, figure 25 the first column dates should be six days earlier to be reflective of this. Print 2 has this figure 25 corrected.
YouTube has videos about this first published book. Hopefully, a YouTube video on Jesus's Return based on the Feasts of the Lord coming soon. A revision of the book was published in 2022 with about 182 pages. The first book published in 2021 had about 154 pages. Both have the same cover.
Jesus in the Olivet Discourse said “…as lightning flashes…so will the return of the son of God be in his day.” (Luke 17:24). So, we should expect to see "lightning flashes" associated with Jesus second coming. So, where in prophecy do we see lightning flashes? Revelation 8:5 has a theophany of "Peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.” Since this has an earthquake, we can be assured it is on the earth and not in heaven. The phrase without earthquake can be found in Rev. 4:4. Where are the lightning flashes emanating from? In vv. 10-11 it is from the throne, where the Lord God is seated. This indicates whenever we see this theophany to expect the Lord God to be present.
Harpazō (to seize, catch up, snatch away) is found fourteen times in the Bible, though only once in Revelation with the two witnesses (Rev, 11:11-12). So, scholars must use other identifying means to find their rapture in the book of Revelation. The multitude in heaven rejoicing (Rev. 7:9-17 and 19:1-5) should be considered a consequence of an earthly rapture.
Also, in the Olivet Discourse we find "but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all". So, we should expect fire and sulfur associated with the eschatological wrath of God. When we look at Revelation 8:7 we find a very similar type of death "hail and fire mixed with blood".
This new premillennial position interprets Revelation 6 to 8 as not being chronological. We know not all Scripture is chronological so there is a basis for this. The proposed chronological sequence is Revelation 6 (seals one to six), Revelation 8:1-5 (seventh seal, with rapture in v. 5), Revelation 7 (with rejoicing in heaven), then a wrath of God event in Revelation 8:7 (first trumpet). Since Revelation 7 is not identified as a seal, this interpretation is allowed. No one living say two thousand years ago would ever consider there to be an interim between seals on a scroll being opened. That is, the sixth seal must remain opened until the next seal, the seventh, is opened. Consider also, there must be planting and building when the rapture occurs, which are normally considered daylight events. The sixth seal is 24-hour darkness over a period of time, which prevents the rapture occurring then.
2 Kings 2:11 has Elijah who was taken to heaven with "chariots of fire", which seems to be a synonym for lightning flashes. There is a total of three unique theophany phrases in the Bible, which are proposed as: Revelation 8:5 (elect), 11:19 (Israel), and 16:18 (sheep) which seem to represent rapture events. Each theophany is at the end of each septet, i.e., seventh seal, seventh trumpet, and seventh bowl. Therefore, 777. Seven is considered to be a perfect number.
Adding additional strength is that the proposed (first) rapture is in Revelation 8:5 with the wrath of God in v. 7, which is only two verses later. Since the rapture and wrath of God are expected to occur on the same literal day, having these verses so close helps to support this same day event.
This position's rapture in Revelation 11:19 at the end of 70th week of Daniel has similarities to the postribulation view, though beyond prewrath has this (second) rapture mainly for Israel. Israel must live through the entire last prophetic (70th) week of Daniel as with Daniel 9:24.
As all premillennial views agree, harpazo is a rapture type event. Harpazo means to seize, catch up or snatch away. It occurs fourteen times in the New Testament. The Old Testament has two types in Genesis 5:24 (Enoch) and 2 Kings 2:1, 11 (Elijah).
Before the rapture all must live through the tribulation of the fourth opened seal (Matt. 24:9) and then the great tribulation of the fifth opened seal (Matt. 24:21 and parallel Rev. 6:9-11). A Jewish remnant will be provided for 1,260 days in Revelation 12:13-14 during the second half of the 70th week of Daniel. The elect will not live through the entire second half of the 70th week of Daniel since the Lord will cut it (the great tribulation) short for the elect. (Matt. 24:21-22 and its parallel Rev. 6:9-11).
New as of 6 February 2024: The following are minor changes:
- Page 29: Delete "(rapture)" in 2 Thess. 2:1-4. This was included by mistake. There is no rapture there (midpoint of seventieth week of Daniel) as discussed in detail in pages 27-28 and chapter 7.
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